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essay "礼物(gift)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 06:39:22



A gift is a tangible or intangible item that is given to someone without expectation of payment or anything in return. Gifts are often given to express affection, appreciation, or to celebrate a special occasion. The act of giving a gift can be a meaningful and thoughtful gesture that can bring joy and strengthen relationships.

Gifts can come in many forms, from material possessions to acts of service or kindness. A physical gift might be a piece of jewelry, a book, or a handmade item. An intangible gift could be a favor, a heartfelt letter, or quality time spent together. Regardless of the form, the intention behind the gift is what truly matters.

Giving a gift can be a way to show someone that they are valued and appreciated. It can be a way to celebrate a milestone, such as a birthday, anniversary, or graduation. Gifts can also be given to comfort someone during a difficult time or to simply express love and care.

The act of receiving a gift can be just as meaningful as giving one. When someone receives a gift, they may feel touched by the thoughtfulness and effort put into selecting or creating it. Receiving a gift can make someone feel special and valued, and can strengthen the bond between the giver and the recipient.

However, it is important to remember that the value of a gift is not measured by its monetary worth. The true value of a gift lies in the sentiment and intention behind it. A simple, heartfelt gift can be just as meaningful as an expensive one.

In many cultures, gift-giving is an important social custom that is deeply rooted in tradition and etiquette. The way in which a gift is given and received can be influenced by cultural norms and expectations. For example, in some cultures, it is considered impolite to open a gift immediately, while in others, it is expected.

Ultimately, the gift of giving can be a powerful and meaningful way to express our emotions and strengthen our relationships with others. Whether it is a material possession or an act of kindness, a gift can bring joy, comfort, and a sense of connection to both the giver and the recipient.

English Translation:










1. tangible - 有形的

2. intangible - 无形的

3. affection - 爱意

4. appreciation - 感谢

5. milestone - 里程碑

6. comfort - 安慰

7. etiquette - 礼仪

8. norm - 规范

9. expectation - 期望

10. sentiment - 情感

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