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essay "寒冷(chilly)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 11:42:49










English Translation:

The air was crisp and the wind had a bite to it, signaling the arrival of winter. As I stepped outside, the chill immediately enveloped me, seeping through my coat and sending a shiver down my spine. The once vibrant colors of the landscape had faded, replaced by a muted palette of grays and browns.

The world seemed to have gone into a state of dormancy, with the bare trees standing like skeletal sentinels against the cloudy sky. The ground was blanketed in a thin layer of frost, crunching underfoot with each step I took. The once lush greenery had withered, leaving only the occasional evergreen to provide a splash of color.

The cold was relentless, biting at my exposed skin and making my breath visible in the air. I pulled my scarf tighter around my neck, trying to shield myself from the biting wind. My fingers grew numb, and I shoved my hands deep into my pockets, seeking warmth.

Despite the chill, there was a certain beauty to the winter landscape. The stark contrast between the barren trees and the glistening frost created a serene and ethereal atmosphere. The muted colors and the silence that accompanied the cold lent a sense of tranquility to the surroundings.

As I walked, I could feel the cold seeping into my bones, but there was also a sense of invigoration. The crisp air seemed to awaken my senses, and I found myself more alert and focused than I had been in the warmer months.

The chilly weather also brought a sense of anticipation, as I knew that the winter season would soon give way to the rebirth of spring. The dormant plants and trees would awaken, and the world would come alive once again.

In the meantime, I embraced the chill, finding solace in the quiet beauty of the winter landscape. The cold may have been biting, but it also served as a reminder of the cyclical nature of the seasons, and the ever-changing beauty of the natural world.


1. Crisp - adjective, describes air or weather that is cool, clear, and invigorating.

2. Bite - noun, a sharp, stinging sensation, often used to describe the feeling of cold weather.

3. Envelop - verb, to surround or cover completely.

4. Shiver - verb, to tremble or shake, often due to cold.

5. Muted - adjective, describes colors or sounds that are softened or subdued.

6. Dormancy - noun, a state of inactivity or suspended animation.

7. Skeletal - adjective, resembling a skeleton, with only the bare essentials remaining.

8. Sentinel - noun, a person or thing that stands guard or keeps watch.

9. Frost - noun, a thin layer of ice that forms on surfaces when the temperature drops below freezing.

10. Crunch - verb, to make a loud, crunching sound, often associated with walking on frozen ground.

11. Wither - verb, to become dry, shriveled, or degenerate.

12. Relentless - adjective, persistent and unremitting.

13. Bite - verb, to cut or pierce with the teeth.

14. Visible - adjective, able to be seen.

15. Scarf - noun, a piece of fabric worn around the neck for warmth or fashion.

16. Numb - adjective, unable to feel or have sensation, often due to cold.

17. Invigorating - adjective, stimulating and energizing.

18. Anticipation - noun, the act of looking forward to something with pleasure.

19. Rebirth - noun, the process of being reborn or revived.

20. Solace - noun, comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.

21. Ethereal - adjective, light, airy, and delicate, as if not of this world.

22. Tranquility - noun, a state of peace and calm.

23. Seep - verb, to gradually flow or penetrate.

24. Palette - noun, a range of colors used by an artist or found in a particular environment.

25. Biting - adjective, sharp, harsh, or penetrating, often used to describe cold weather.

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