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essay "统计(statistics)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:20:50


Here is an essay on "Statistics" in approximately 400 words, with an English translation and vocabulary at the end.





English Translation:

Statistics is a discipline that studies the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of data. It is an effective tool that can help us better understand and predict various phenomena in the real world.

The application of statistics is very broad, involving fields such as social, economic, scientific, and medical. In social surveys, statistics can be used to analyze data on population, employment, education, and provide a basis for decision-making. In economic analysis, statistics can help predict market trends and assess investment risks. In scientific research, statistics is an important tool for testing hypotheses and analyzing experimental data. In the medical field, statistics can be used to evaluate the efficacy of new drugs and analyze disease incidence rates.

The basic concepts of statistics include population and sample, random variables, probability distribution, parameter estimation, and hypothesis testing. The population refers to the entire research object, while the sample is a part of the population that is extracted. Random variables describe the quantitative characteristics of random phenomena, and probability distribution describes the possibility of random variables taking different values. Parameter estimation is the process of estimating population parameters based on sample data, and hypothesis testing is a method of determining whether a hypothesis is valid.

Learning and mastering statistical knowledge can not only improve our ability to analyze and solve problems, but also help us better understand and apply data information. In the current era of information explosion, the importance of statistics is increasingly highlighted. We should actively learn statistical knowledge and apply it to our actual work and life, in order to improve the scientific and effectiveness of decision-making.


1. 统计学 (statistics)

2. 总体 (population)

3. 样本 (sample)

4. 随机变量 (random variable)

5. 概率分布 (probability distribution)

6. 参数估计 (parameter estimation)

7. 假设检验 (hypothesis testing)

8. 信息爆炸 (information explosion)

9. 决策 (decision-making)

10. 分析 (analysis)

11. 预测 (predict)

12. 评估 (evaluate)

13. 发病率 (incidence rate)

14. 科学性 (scientific)

15. 有效性 (effectiveness)

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