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essay "公园(park)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:21:32



A park is a public green space that is designed for recreational and leisure activities. It is a place where people can escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy the beauty of nature. Parks are essential for the well-being of a community, as they provide a space for people to exercise, socialize, and connect with the natural world.

One of the main functions of a park is to provide a space for physical activity. Many parks have walking and jogging trails, as well as sports facilities such as basketball courts, soccer fields, and tennis courts. These amenities encourage people to be active and promote a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, parks often have playgrounds and other equipment for children to enjoy, which is important for their physical and cognitive development.

In addition to physical activity, parks also offer opportunities for social interaction. People can gather with friends and family, attend community events, or simply enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. Parks are often used as a gathering place for festivals, concerts, and other cultural events, which help to bring a community together and foster a sense of belonging.

Moreover, parks play a crucial role in the preservation of the natural environment. They provide habitats for a variety of plant and animal species, which helps to maintain biodiversity and support the local ecosystem. Parks also help to improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, and they can help to reduce the effects of urban heat islands by providing shade and cooling the surrounding area.

Overall, parks are an essential component of a healthy and vibrant community. They offer a space for recreation, relaxation, and social interaction, while also contributing to the preservation of the natural environment. As cities continue to grow and develop, it is important that we prioritize the creation and maintenance of parks to ensure that everyone has access to these valuable public spaces.

English Translation:








1. park (n.) - 公园

2. recreational (adj.) - 娱乐的,休闲的

3. leisure (n.) - 闲暇,休息

4. escape (v.) - 逃离,摆脱

5. hustle and bustle (n.) - 喧嚣,繁忙

6. well-being (n.) - 健康,福祉

7. physical activity (n.) - 体力活动

8. exercise (v.) - 锻炼

9. socialize (v.) - 社交

10. connect (v.) - 联系

11. natural world (n.) - 自然界

12. walking trail (n.) - 步行小道

13. jogging trail (n.) - 慢跑小道

14. sports facility (n.) - 运动设施

15. basketball court (n.) - 篮球场

16. soccer field (n.) - 足球场

17. tennis court (n.) - 网球场

18. playground (n.) - 儿童游乐场

19. equipment (n.) - 设备

20. cognitive development (n.) - 认知发展

21. gather (v.) - 聚集

22. community event (n.) - 社区活动

23. festival (n.) - 节日

24. concert (n.) - 音乐会

25. cultural event (n.) - 文化活动

26. sense of belonging (n.) - 归属感

27. preserve (v.) - 保护

28. habitat (n.) - 栖息地

29. biodiversity (n.) - 生物多样性

30. ecosystem (n.) - 生态系统

31. air quality (n.) - 空气质量

32. carbon dioxide (n.) - 二氧化碳

33. oxygen (n.) - 氧气

34. urban heat island (n.) - 城市热岛

35. shade (n.) - 阴凉

36. cooling (n.) - 降温

37. priority (n.) - 优先事项

38. maintenance (n.) - 维护

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