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essay "沟通(communicate)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 19:16:00


Certainly! Here's an essay on "沟通 (communicate)" with an English translation and vocabulary.

Essay on "沟通 (communicate)" (400 words)





English Translation:

Communication is one of the most basic and important activities in human society. It is the process of exchanging information, ideas, and feelings between people. Through communication, we not only can express our own thoughts and needs, but also understand the thoughts and needs of others, thereby establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships, and promoting mutual understanding and cooperation.

Effective communication requires active participation, mutual respect, and mutual understanding from both parties. First, we need to learn to listen, patiently listen to the other party's expression, and not rush to make a judgment. At the same time, we also need to learn to express our own thoughts and feelings, using appropriate language and methods, and avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. In addition, communication also requires both parties to maintain an open and honest attitude, trust each other, and be straightforward.

Good communication not only helps individual development, but also benefits the development of teams and organizations. In work and life, we often need to communicate with others, such as superiors, colleagues, and customers. If communication is not smooth, it will affect work efficiency and interpersonal relationships. On the contrary, if we can communicate effectively, we can better coordinate work, solve problems, enhance understanding and trust, and thus improve work performance and team cohesion.

In short, communication is an important life skill that requires us to constantly learn and practice. Only through good communication can we better understand others, express ourselves, establish and maintain interpersonal relationships, and achieve individual and team development.


1. 沟通 (gōu tōng) - communication

2. 交流 (jiāo liú) - exchange, interact

3. 信息 (xìn xī) - information

4. 思想 (sī xiǎng) - thought, idea

5. 感受 (gǎn shòu) - feeling, sentiment

6. 建立 (jiàn lì) - establish, build

7. 维系 (wéi xì) - maintain, sustain

8. 人际关系 (rén jì guān xì) - interpersonal relationships

9. 促进 (cù jìn) - promote, facilitate

10. 相互理解 (xiāng hù lǐ jiě) - mutual understanding

11. 合作 (hé zuò) - cooperation

12. 倾听 (qīng tīng) - listen attentively

13. 下定论 (xià dìng lùn) - make a judgment

14. 表达 (biǎo dá) - express, convey

15. 误解 (wù jiě) - misunderstanding

16. 冲突 (chōng tū) - conflict

17. 开放 (kāi fàng) - open, receptive

18. 诚实 (chéng shí) - honest, sincere

19. 信任 (xìn rèn) - trust

20. 团队 (tuán duì) - team

21. 组织 (zǔ zhī) - organization

22. 工作效率 (gōng zuò xiào lǜ) - work efficiency

23. 协调 (xié tiáo) - coordinate

24. 解决问题 (jiě jué wèn tí) - solve problems

25. 凝聚力 (níng jù lì) - cohesion

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