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essay "假设(hypothesis)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 19:02:03



The concept of a hypothesis is fundamental to the scientific method and the pursuit of knowledge. A hypothesis is a tentative, testable explanation for an observed phenomenon or a proposed solution to a problem. It is a starting point for further investigation and research, a bridge between existing knowledge and the unknown.

At its core, a hypothesis is a statement that suggests a possible relationship or connection between two or more variables. It is a proposed answer to a research question, a conjecture about the nature of the world around us. Hypotheses are often based on previous observations, existing theories, or logical reasoning. They serve as the foundation for the design of experiments or studies that aim to either support or refute the proposed explanation.

The formulation of a hypothesis is a crucial step in the scientific method. It involves carefully identifying the variables of interest, defining the relationship between them, and making a logical prediction about the expected outcome. A well-crafted hypothesis should be specific, measurable, and testable, allowing researchers to gather empirical evidence to either confirm or reject the proposed idea.

One of the key characteristics of a hypothesis is its ability to be falsified. A hypothesis is considered scientific if it can be disproven through observation or experimentation. This principle, known as the "falsifiability" of a hypothesis, distinguishes scientific hypotheses from mere speculation or personal beliefs. By subjecting hypotheses to rigorous testing, scientists can gradually build a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the world.

The process of testing a hypothesis often involves the collection and analysis of data, the design of controlled experiments, and the application of statistical methods to determine the likelihood of the proposed explanation being true. If the evidence gathered supports the hypothesis, it may be further refined and incorporated into existing theories. If the evidence contradicts the hypothesis, it must be revised or abandoned, leading to the formulation of new hypotheses and the continuation of the scientific inquiry.

In the broader context of knowledge acquisition, hypotheses serve as the starting point for the exploration of the unknown. They inspire curiosity, drive innovation, and challenge our current understanding of the world. By continuously questioning, testing, and refining our hypotheses, we can expand the boundaries of human knowledge and make meaningful progress in various fields of study.

In conclusion, the concept of a hypothesis is a cornerstone of the scientific method and the pursuit of knowledge. It represents a tentative, testable explanation for observed phenomena, serving as a bridge between existing knowledge and the unknown. The formulation and testing of hypotheses are essential steps in the scientific process, allowing researchers to systematically investigate the world around us and advance our understanding of the universe.

English translation:










1. hypothesis (n.) - 假设

2. tentative (adj.) - 暂时性的

3. testable (adj.) - 可检验的

4. phenomenon (n.) - 现象

5. conjecture (n.) - 推测

6. variable (n.) - 变量

7. formulation (n.) - 形成

8. falsifiable (adj.) - 可证伪的

9. empirical (adj.) - 经验的

10. refine (v.) - 完善

11. curiosity (n.) - 好奇心

12. innovate (v.) - 创新

13. acquire (v.) - 获得

14. boundary (n.) - 边界

15. cornerstone (n.) - 基石

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