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essay "田野(field)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 11:27:02


Essay: "田野 (Field)"

The vast expanse of the field stretches out before me, a canvas of verdant hues and gentle undulations. As I stand at the edge, I can feel the gentle breeze caressing my face, carrying the scent of freshly turned soil and the promise of new life. This is the realm of the field, a place where the rhythms of nature and the toil of human hands converge, creating a tapestry of life that is both ancient and ever-evolving.

The field is a place of quiet contemplation, where the mind can wander and the senses can be attuned to the subtle beauty that surrounds us. The gentle sway of the tall grasses, the flutter of a butterfly's wings, the distant call of a bird – these are the threads that weave the tapestry of the field, each element contributing to the rich and vibrant whole.

Yet, the field is also a place of hard work and perseverance. The farmers who tend to these lands, their calloused hands and weathered faces a testament to the challenges they face, are the true stewards of this sacred space. They toil under the scorching sun and brave the unpredictable elements, their efforts fueled by a deep connection to the land and a desire to nurture its bounty.

As I walk through the field, I am struck by the sense of timelessness that permeates the landscape. These fields have borne witness to the ebb and flow of human history, from the ancient civilizations that first tamed the land to the modern industrialized agriculture that now shapes its contours. Yet, through it all, the field remains a constant, a testament to the enduring power of nature and the resilience of the human spirit.

In the field, I find a sense of peace and renewal, a respite from the frenetic pace of modern life. Here, I can slow down, breathe deeply, and connect with the rhythms of the natural world. It is a place where the boundaries between the physical and the spiritual blur, where the soul can find solace and the mind can find inspiration.

As I turn to leave the field, I know that I will carry this experience with me, a reminder of the beauty and the power that lies in the simple act of connecting with the land. For in the field, we find not just a place, but a way of being – one that reminds us of our place in the grand tapestry of life, and the importance of nurturing and preserving the natural world that sustains us.

English Translation:









1. Expanse - a wide or open space

2. Verdant - green and lush

3. Undulation - a gentle rise and fall

4. Caress - to touch or stroke gently

5. Scent - a distinctive smell

6. Realm - a kingdom or domain

7. Rhythm - a regular, repeated pattern

8. Toil - hard, physical work

9. Tapestry - a piece of woven fabric with a picture or design

10. Contemplation - deep and focused thought

11. Sway - to move slowly and gently from side to side

12. Flutter - to move with light, rapid movements

13. Perseverance - persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay

14. Steward - a person who manages or looks after something

15. Bounty - a plentiful supply of something

16. Timelessness - the quality of being unaffected by the passage of time

17. Tame - to bring under control or domesticate

18. Respite - a short period of rest or relief from something

19. Frenetic - frenzied and chaotic

20. Solace - comfort or consolation in a time of distress

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