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essay "广场(square)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:11:40


Here is an essay on "广场 (Square)" in approximately 400 words, with an English translation and vocabulary at the end.







English Translation:

The square is an important public space in the city. It is a place where people gather and interact, and also an important part of the city's landscape. The square is usually located in the city center, and is the heart of the city.

The shape of the square varies, with square, rectangular, and circular forms, each of which gives a different impression. The square or rectangular square gives a sense of stability and solemnity, while the circular square is more elegant and dynamic. The size of the square also has its own characteristics. Large squares can accommodate large crowds and are suitable for hosting large-scale events, while small squares are more intimate and comfortable, suitable for leisure and communication.

There are usually various sculptures, fountains, and other decorations on the square, which add to the artistic atmosphere of the square. These decorations not only beautify the environment of the square, but also become landmark symbols of the square. People often take photos in front of these iconic buildings, which become an important element in recording the city's memory.

The square is also a place for people to engage in various activities. During festivals, the square often hosts various cultural activities, such as song and dance performances and markets, attracting a large number of citizens to appreciate and participate. Normally, the square is also a good place for people to relax and have fun, where people can take a walk, chat, and play. The square has become an important part of urban life.

In summary, the square is an indispensable public space in the city, which fulfills multiple functions and has become a microcosm and business card of the city. The existence of the square enriches the life of the city and adds to the charm of the city.


1. 广场 (guǎng chǎng) - square

2. 公共空间 (gōng gòng kōng jiān) - public space

3. 聚集 (jù jí) - gather

4. 交流 (jiāo liú) - interact

5. 景观 (jǐng guān) - landscape

6. 中心地带 (zhōng xīn dì dài) - city center

7. 心脏 (xīn zàng) - heart

8. 正方形 (zhèng fāng xíng) - square

9. 长方形 (cháng fāng xíng) - rectangular

10. 圆形 (yuán xíng) - circular

11. 稳重 (wěn zhòng) - solemn

12. 庄重 (zhuāng zhòng) - dignified

13. 优雅 (yōu yǎ) - elegant

14. 动感 (dòng gǎn) - dynamic

15. 亲切 (qīn qiè) - intimate

16. 舒适 (shū shì) - comfortable

17. 装饰物 (zhuāng shì wù) - decoration

18. 艺术气息 (yì shù qì xì) - artistic atmosphere

19. 地标性 (dì biāo xìng) - landmark

20. 标志 (biāo zhì) - symbol

21. 记录 (jì lù) - record

22. 记忆 (jì yì) - memory

23. 文化活动 (wén huà huó dòng) - cultural activities

24. 歌舞表演 (gē wǔ biǎo yǎn) - song and dance performance

25. 集市 (jí shì) - market

26. 休闲娱乐 (xiū xián yú lè) - leisure and entertainment

27. 散步 (sàn bù) - take a walk

28. 聊天 (liáo tiān) - chat

29. 玩耍 (wán shuǎ) - play

30. 缩影 (suō yǐng) - microcosm

31. 名片 (míng piàn) - business card

32. 魅力 (mèi lì) - charm

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