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essay "疲惫的(Tired)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 11:26:10










English Translation:

Fatigue seeps into my bones, weighing me down with each step. The relentless demands of daily life have taken their toll, leaving me drained and yearning for respite. The constant pressure to perform, to meet deadlines, to juggle multiple responsibilities, has left me feeling like a shadow of my former self.

The once vibrant spark within me has been extinguished, replaced by a dull, listless haze. My mind, once sharp and focused, now feels like a fog, making even the simplest tasks a struggle. The energy that once fueled my passions has been siphoned away, leaving me with a sense of emptiness and a longing for the days when I felt alive and invigorated.

The weight of it all is overwhelming, and I find myself seeking solace in moments of quiet solitude, hoping to find the strength to carry on. But the respite is fleeting, and the cycle of exhaustion continues, a relentless ebb and flow that leaves me feeling trapped and powerless.

I yearn for the day when I can reclaim my vitality, when the burden of daily demands no longer feels like a millstone around my neck. But for now, I trudge on, one weary step after another, clinging to the hope that the tide will eventually turn and the light will return to my life.

In the depths of this fatigue, I find myself questioning the choices that have led me here, wondering if there is a way to strike a better balance, to prioritize self-care over the endless pursuit of productivity. But the fear of falling behind, of disappointing those who depend on me, keeps me from making the necessary changes.

And so, I continue to push forward, fueled by a sense of duty and a desire to prove my worth. But the cost is high, and the toll it takes on my physical and mental well-being is becoming increasingly apparent. I long for the day when I can simply rest, to allow my body and mind to heal, to find the rejuvenation that has eluded me for so long.

Until then, I will continue to fight against the tide of exhaustion, drawing strength from the knowledge that this too shall pass. With each small victory, each moment of respite, I will find the courage to keep going, to reclaim the vitality that has been stolen from me. For in the end, it is not the weight of the world that will break me, but the resilience that lies within.


1. Exhaustion - extreme tiredness

2. Relentless - persistent and unyielding

3. Drained - completely lacking in energy or vitality

4. Respite - a short period of rest or relief from something

5. Juggle - to handle or manage a number of tasks or responsibilities

6. Extinguished - to put out or end something

7. Haze - a vague or indistinct condition

8. Siphoned - to draw off or divert (a liquid or gas) gradually

9. Solitude - the state or situation of being alone

10. Millstone - a heavy burden or responsibility

11. Trudge - to walk slowly and heavily, as if weighed down

12. Vitality - physical and mental vigor

13. Rejuvenation - the process of becoming young or vital again

14. Resilience - the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties

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