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essay "成人(adult)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 11:13:15



成人的概念是复杂而多方面的,涵盖了个人从童年过渡到成熟过程中经历的一系列身体、心理和社会变化。“成人”一词通常用于描述达到一定年龄(通常是 18 岁或 21 岁)的人,并被认为对自己的行为负有法律和社会责任。






English Translation:

The concept of adulthood is a complex and multifaceted one, encompassing a range of physical, psychological, and social changes that individuals undergo as they transition from childhood to maturity. The term "adult" is often used to describe a person who has reached a certain age, typically 18 or 21 years old, and is considered legally and socially responsible for their own actions.

However, the definition of adulthood goes beyond simply reaching a specific age. It involves the development of various cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills that enable individuals to navigate the challenges and responsibilities of independent living. These include the ability to make informed decisions, manage their finances, maintain healthy relationships, and contribute to their communities.

One of the key hallmarks of adulthood is the attainment of financial independence. As individuals transition into adulthood, they are expected to take on greater financial responsibilities, such as securing employment, paying bills, and managing their own expenses. This process of financial maturation can be both empowering and daunting, as it requires individuals to develop practical skills and strategies for managing their resources effectively.

In addition to financial independence, adulthood is also marked by the development of interpersonal skills and the ability to form meaningful relationships. As adults, individuals are expected to navigate complex social dynamics, communicate effectively, and build strong support networks. This can involve navigating the challenges of romantic relationships, maintaining friendships, and engaging in community activities.

Another important aspect of adulthood is the development of a sense of personal identity and purpose. As individuals mature, they often engage in a process of self-discovery, exploring their values, interests, and aspirations. This process can be both exhilarating and challenging, as individuals strive to find their place in the world and make meaningful contributions to society.

Overall, the transition to adulthood is a multifaceted and dynamic process that involves the development of a wide range of skills and capabilities. While the specific markers of adulthood may vary across cultures and contexts, the underlying principles of personal responsibility, independence, and self-actualization remain central to this important stage of human development.


1. Adulthood - the state or condition of being an adult.

2. Multifaceted - having many different aspects or features.

3. Transition - the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.

4. Maturity - the state of being fully developed or grown up.

5. Legally - in accordance with the law.

6. Socially - in relation to society or its organization.

7. Responsible - having a duty to deal with something or having control over someone.

8. Cognitive - relating to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension.

9. Emotional - relating to or arising from the emotions.

10. Behavioral - relating to or characteristic of a person's actions or conduct.

11. Independent - not depending on or controlled by others.

12. Financial - relating to or involving money.

13. Attainment - the act of achieving a goal or reaching a desired state.

14. Empowering - making someone stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.

15. Daunting - seeming difficult to deal with in a way that is discouraging.

16. Interpersonal - relating to relationships or communication between people.

17. Navigate - steer or guide (a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle) through (an area or course).

18. Dynamics - the forces or properties that stimulate growth, development, or change within a system or process.

19. Self-discovery - the act of learning about oneself, one's personality, and one's strengths and weaknesses.

20. Aspiration - a hope or ambition of achieving something.

21. Actualization - the process of realizing or fulfilling something.

22. Hallmark - a distinguishing feature or characteristic.

23. Maturation - the process of becoming mature.

24. Exhilarating - causing a feeling of great excitement and happiness.

25. Underlying - forming a base or foundation for something.

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