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essay "概述(overview)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 10:57:28









English Translation:


In the realm of academic writing, the "overview" section plays a crucial role in setting the stage for the rest of the essay. This concise yet informative section provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the essay's main ideas, objectives, and structure. By crafting an effective overview, authors can engage their audience, pique their interest, and guide them through the subsequent sections of the essay.

The primary function of the overview is to introduce the topic and present the central argument or thesis statement. This sets the tone for the entire essay and helps the reader anticipate the key points that will be explored. A well-written overview should also outline the essay's structure, highlighting the main sections or subtopics that will be addressed. This gives the reader a clear roadmap of the content, allowing them to follow the progression of the essay with ease.

Another important aspect of the overview is the inclusion of relevant background information. This contextual information helps the reader understand the broader context in which the essay's topic is situated. By providing this context, the author can establish the significance and relevance of the essay's subject matter, making it more compelling and engaging for the reader.

Furthermore, the overview should briefly introduce the key sources or research that will be utilized throughout the essay. This demonstrates the author's familiarity with the existing literature and helps the reader appreciate the depth and breadth of the essay's exploration.

Crafting an effective overview requires a delicate balance of concision and comprehensiveness. The author must carefully select the most salient points to include, while avoiding excessive detail that could overwhelm the reader. The overview should be a concise, yet informative, introduction that sets the stage for the rest of the essay.

In conclusion, the "overview" section is a crucial component of academic writing, as it provides readers with a clear understanding of the essay's purpose, structure, and key elements. By crafting a well-written overview, authors can effectively engage their audience, establish the significance of the topic, and guide the reader through the subsequent sections of the essay.


1. Realm: a field or domain of activity or interest.

2. Concise: expressing much in few words; brief and to the point.

3. Informative: providing useful information.

4. Comprehensive: including or dealing with all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.

5. Pique: to arouse (interest, curiosity, etc.).

6. Progression: the act of moving forward or advancing.

7. Contextual: relating to the context or circumstances in which something occurs.

8. Situated: placed or located in a particular position or context.

9. Significance: the quality of being important or meaningful.

10. Relevance: the state or quality of being relevant, connected, or pertinent.

11. Familiarity: the state of being familiar; a close acquaintance with or knowledge of something.

12. Breadth: the quality of being wide or extensive.

13. Delicate: requiring careful handling; fragile.

14. Concision: the quality of expressing much in few words; brevity.

15. Comprehensiveness: the quality of being comprehensive; completeness.

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