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essay "组织(organization)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 09:05:31









English Translation:


An organization is a social entity that has a collective goal and is linked to an external environment. It is a structured social system that consists of two or more people who interact to achieve a common purpose. Organizations can be classified into different types, such as businesses, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and educational institutions, each with its own unique characteristics and objectives.

The primary function of an organization is to coordinate the efforts of its members to achieve a common goal. This involves the efficient allocation and utilization of resources, such as human, financial, and material resources, to accomplish the organization's objectives. Effective organizational management is crucial to ensure that the organization operates efficiently and effectively, and that its members are motivated and engaged.

One of the key components of an organization is its structure, which defines the hierarchy, roles, and responsibilities of its members. The organizational structure can be hierarchical, where there is a clear chain of command, or it can be more decentralized, with a flatter structure and more autonomy for individual members. The choice of organizational structure depends on the organization's size, industry, and the nature of its operations.

Another important aspect of an organization is its culture, which encompasses the beliefs, values, and norms that guide the behavior of its members. A strong organizational culture can foster a sense of belonging and commitment among employees, and can also influence the organization's decision-making processes and overall performance.

Organizations also operate within a larger external environment, which includes factors such as the political, economic, social, and technological landscape. These external factors can have a significant impact on the organization's operations and strategic decisions, and organizations must be able to adapt to these changing conditions in order to remain competitive and successful.

In conclusion, organizations are complex social entities that play a crucial role in modern society. Effective organizational management and a strong organizational culture are essential for an organization to achieve its goals and remain competitive in a constantly evolving environment.


1. Organization - a social entity with a collective goal and external environment

2. Coordinate - to harmonize the efforts of members to achieve a common purpose

3. Allocate - to distribute or assign resources in an efficient manner

4. Utilize - to make use of resources effectively

5. Hierarchical - a structure with a clear chain of command

6. Decentralized - a flatter structure with more autonomy for individual members

7. Culture - the beliefs, values, and norms that guide the behavior of members

8. Commitment - a sense of dedication and loyalty to the organization

9. External environment - the political, economic, social, and technological factors that impact the organization

10. Adapt - to adjust to changing conditions in order to remain competitive

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