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essay "税(tax)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 06:52:27


Tax Essay (400 words)







English Translation:

Taxes are a crucial aspect of modern society, playing a vital role in the functioning of governments and the provision of public services. As citizens, we all have a responsibility to contribute to the collective well-being of our communities through the payment of taxes.

One of the primary purposes of taxation is to generate revenue for the government, which can then be used to fund essential public services such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and social welfare programs. These services are essential for creating a stable and prosperous society, and without adequate funding, they would be unable to operate effectively.

Moreover, taxes can also be used as a tool for economic and social policy. Governments may use tax incentives or disincentives to encourage or discourage certain behaviors, such as promoting investment in renewable energy or discouraging the consumption of unhealthy products. This can help to shape the direction of a country's economic and social development.

However, the topic of taxation is often a contentious one, with debates surrounding the appropriate level of taxation, the fairness of the tax system, and the efficiency of tax collection. Some individuals may feel that they are being overtaxed, while others may believe that the wealthy should contribute more to support the less fortunate.

Ultimately, the balance between taxation and public services is a delicate one, and it is the responsibility of governments to ensure that the tax system is fair, efficient, and responsive to the needs of the people. This may involve regular reviews and adjustments to the tax code, as well as efforts to improve tax compliance and reduce tax evasion.

In conclusion, taxes are a necessary and important aspect of modern society, providing the means for governments to fund essential public services and implement economic and social policies. While the topic of taxation may be contentious, it is essential that we all fulfill our civic duty and contribute our fair share to the collective well-being of our communities.


1. Taxation - the action or process of imposing and collecting taxes.

2. Revenue - the total amount of money received by the government from taxes, duties, and other sources.

3. Public services - services provided by the government for the use of the general public.

4. Infrastructure - the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g., buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

5. Social welfare - a system of welfare benefits provided by the government to individuals and families in need.

6. Tax incentives - a tax reduction or other financial benefit offered by the government to encourage certain activities or behaviors.

7. Tax disincentives - a tax or other financial penalty imposed by the government to discourage certain activities or behaviors.

8. Tax evasion - the illegal practice of not paying taxes owed to the government.

9. Tax compliance - the act of following tax laws and regulations and paying taxes owed to the government.

10. Civic duty - a responsibility or obligation that a citizen has to their community or country.

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