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essay "债券(bond)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 02:33:24


Bond Essay (400 words)



债券的主要特征包括面值,即到期时将偿还给投资者的金额;票面利率,决定利息支付;到期日,即债券赎回的日期。债券的期限不同,从短期(不到一年)到长期(10 年或更长)。




English Translation:

A bond is a type of debt security that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower, typically a government or corporation. Bonds are a crucial financial instrument that plays a significant role in the global financial markets.

Bonds are issued by entities that need to raise capital for various purposes, such as financing projects, funding operations, or refinancing existing debt. When an investor purchases a bond, they are essentially lending their money to the issuer in exchange for a promise of repayment, along with periodic interest payments, known as coupons.

The key features of a bond include the face value, or the amount that will be repaid to the investor at maturity; the coupon rate, which determines the interest payments; and the maturity date, which is the date when the bond will be redeemed. Bonds can have different maturities, ranging from short-term (less than one year) to long-term (10 years or more).

Bonds are generally considered to be less risky investments than stocks, as they offer a more stable and predictable stream of income. However, they are not without risk. Factors such as interest rate changes, credit risk, and inflation can affect the value of a bond and the returns it generates.

Investors can choose from a variety of bond types, including government bonds, corporate bonds, municipal bonds, and international bonds, each with its own unique characteristics and risk-return profile. Bonds can also be traded on secondary markets, allowing investors to buy and sell them before maturity.

Overall, bonds play a crucial role in the financial system, providing a means for governments and corporations to raise capital and for investors to diversify their portfolios and generate a steady stream of income.


1. Debt security: A financial instrument that represents a debt owed by the issuer to the holder.

2. Coupon: The periodic interest payments made by the bond issuer to the bond holder.

3. Maturity date: The date when the bond will be redeemed, and the principal amount will be repaid to the investor.

4. Credit risk: The risk that the bond issuer will default on their debt obligations and be unable to make the promised interest and principal payments.

5. Secondary market: The market where bonds are traded after their initial issuance.

6. Diversify: To invest in a variety of assets to reduce the overall risk of a portfolio.

7. Refinance: To replace existing debt with new debt, often at a different interest rate or with different terms.

8. Redemption: The process of repaying the principal amount of a bond at maturity.

9. Yield: The return an investor receives from a bond, calculated as the annual interest payments divided by the bond's price.

10. Liquidity: The ease with which an asset can be converted into cash without significant loss in value.

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