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essay "骄傲(proud)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 06:43:06


Here is a 400-word essay on the topic of "pride" in English:


Pride is a complex human emotion that encompasses a range of feelings and attitudes. At its core, pride is a sense of self-worth and accomplishment, a feeling of satisfaction and esteem derived from one's own actions and achievements. It is the opposite of shame or humility, and is often associated with a heightened sense of one's own value and importance.

However, pride can take on both positive and negative forms. Healthy pride is an important part of self-confidence and self-respect. It motivates us to strive for excellence, to take ownership of our successes, and to feel a justified sense of satisfaction in our abilities and efforts. This type of pride can be a powerful driver of personal growth and achievement.

On the other hand, excessive or misguided pride can become a vice. Arrogance, conceit, and hubris are all manifestations of pride taken to an extreme. When pride becomes divorced from a genuine sense of merit and transforms into an inflated ego or sense of superiority, it can lead to a range of negative consequences. Arrogant individuals may become overbearing, dismissive of others, and unwilling to acknowledge their own flaws or shortcomings. This can damage relationships, stifle personal growth, and even lead to a distorted and unrealistic self-image.

Ultimately, the key to cultivating healthy pride lies in maintaining a balanced perspective. We should take genuine pride in our accomplishments and capabilities, but temper that pride with humility, self-awareness, and respect for others. True pride is not about comparing ourselves to others or seeking to prove our worth, but rather about having a realistic and positive assessment of our own value and potential.

By embracing a healthy form of pride, we can harness its motivating power while avoiding the pitfalls of excessive ego and arrogance. This allows us to take genuine satisfaction in our achievements, to maintain self-confidence and self-respect, and to continue striving for personal growth and excellence. In this way, pride can be a valuable and enriching part of the human experience.

Translation to Chinese:








1. pride (n.) - 骄傲,自豪

2. self-worth (n.) - 自我价值

3. accomplishment (n.) - 成就

4. esteem (n.) - 尊重,敬意

5. self-confidence (n.) - 自信

6. self-respect (n.) - 自尊

7. self-awareness (n.) - 自我认知

8. arrogance (n.) - 傲慢

9. conceit (n.) - 自负

10. hubris (n.) - 虚荣心

11. ego (n.) - 自我

12. self-image (n.) - 自我形象

13. humility (n.) - 谦逊

14. cultivation (n.) - 培养

15. balanced perspective (n.) - 平衡的视角

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