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essay "伤心(sad)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:27:03






在安静的时刻,当世界的喧嚣消失时,我悲伤的重量变得不堪重负。正是在这些孤独的时刻,我发现自己在努力解决那些无法回答的问题,那些折磨着我心灵的 “如果 ”和 “如果 ”的问题。为什么会这样?我能做点不同的事情吗?痛苦会消退吗?




English Translation:


The weight of sorrow presses down upon my heart, a heaviness that threatens to consume me. The once vibrant colors of the world have faded, replaced by a dull, monochromatic hue that reflects the somber state of my mind. The laughter that once filled the air has been silenced, replaced by the echoes of my own melancholic thoughts.

I find myself lost in a labyrinth of emotions, each turn leading me deeper into the abyss of despair. Memories that once brought joy now serve as a painful reminder of what I have lost. The warmth of a loved one's embrace, the comfort of a familiar voice, the simple pleasures that once filled my days – all now seem like distant dreams, beyond my reach.

The tears that flow freely down my cheeks are a testament to the depth of my anguish. They are the physical manifestation of the turmoil that rages within, a desperate attempt to purge the sorrow that has taken up residence in my soul. Each sob is a cry for help, a plea for understanding, a yearning for solace in a world that seems to have forgotten me.

In the quiet moments, when the noise of the world fades away, the weight of my sadness becomes overwhelming. It is in these solitary hours that I find myself grappling with the unanswerable questions, the "what ifs" and "if onlys" that torment my mind. Why did this happen? Could I have done something differently? Will the pain ever subside?

Yet, even in the darkest of times, there is a glimmer of hope that refuses to be extinguished. A small part of me knows that this too shall pass, that the sun will eventually break through the clouds of despair. It is this faint flicker of optimism that keeps me from succumbing to the depths of my sorrow, a reminder that even in the midst of darkness, there is the possibility of light.

As I navigate this journey through the valley of grief, I find solace in the knowledge that I am not alone. Others have walked this path before me, and their stories of resilience and healing offer a beacon of hope. With each step forward, I am reminded that the strength to overcome this challenge lies within me, waiting to be tapped into and unleashed.

Ultimately, the experience of sadness, while undoubtedly painful, is a testament to the depth of our capacity to feel, to love, and to cherish the precious moments in life. It is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit possesses an incredible resilience, a willingness to persevere and emerge stronger than before.


1. Sorrow (noun) - deep distress, grief, or sadness

2. Consume (verb) - to completely use up or destroy

3. Vibrant (adjective) - full of energy and life

4. Monochromatic (adjective) - having or using only one color

5. Somber (adjective) - dark, gloomy, or depressing in character or mood

6. Melancholic (adjective) - characterized by or expressing sadness, gloom, or depression

7. Labyrinth (noun) - a complex network of paths or passages

8. Abyss (noun) - a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm

9. Despair (noun) - the complete loss or absence of hope

10. Anguish (noun) - extreme pain or distress of body or mind

11. Purge (verb) - to rid of something undesirable

12. Solace (noun) - comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness

13. Grapple (verb) - to struggle or wrestle with a problem or challenge

14. Unanswerable (adjective) - impossible to answer or resolve

15. Flicker (verb) - to shine unsteadily or intermittently

16. Beacon (noun) - a light or other visible object serving as a signal, warning, or guide

17. Resilience (noun) - the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness

18. Persevere (verb) - to continue steadfastly despite difficulty or opposition

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