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essay "牛(cattle)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 11:31:41


Cattle, also known as cows, are a domesticated species of large ruminant mammals that have been an integral part of human civilization for thousands of years. These majestic creatures have played a crucial role in the development of agriculture, providing us with a wide range of products, from meat and dairy to leather and even as a source of power for farming.

One of the most remarkable aspects of cattle is their remarkable adaptability. They can thrive in a variety of climates, from the lush grasslands of the tropics to the harsh, rugged terrain of mountainous regions. This versatility has allowed cattle to be widely distributed across the globe, with different breeds developing unique characteristics to suit their local environments.

Cattle are known for their distinctive features, such as their large, muscular bodies, four-chambered stomachs, and distinctive horns or horns-like structures. These adaptations allow them to efficiently convert plant matter into energy, making them an invaluable resource for human communities.

In addition to their practical uses, cattle have also played a significant role in various cultural and religious traditions around the world. In some societies, cattle are revered as sacred animals, while in others, they are seen as symbols of wealth and prosperity. The importance of cattle in these cultural contexts reflects the deep-rooted connection between humans and these remarkable creatures.

Despite their long-standing presence in human history, cattle have faced numerous challenges in recent times. Concerns over the environmental impact of large-scale cattle farming, as well as the welfare of the animals themselves, have led to increased scrutiny and calls for more sustainable practices. However, with continued innovation and a commitment to responsible stewardship, cattle can continue to play a vital role in our lives, providing us with essential resources while also contributing to the preservation of our natural ecosystems.

In conclusion, cattle are a remarkable and multifaceted species that have profoundly shaped human civilization. From their practical applications to their cultural significance, these majestic creatures continue to captivate and inspire us, and their importance in our world is sure to endure for generations to come.

English Translation:









1. Domesticated - 驯养的

2. Ruminant - 反刍动物

3. Majestic - 庄严的,高贵的

4. Integral - 不可或缺的,必不可少的

5. Versatility - 多功能性,多样性

6. Adaptability - 适应能力

7. Distinctive - 独特的,显著的

8. Adaptations - 适应性

9. Revered - 崇敬的,尊崇的

10. Scrutiny - 仔细检查,严格审查

11. Stewardship - 管理,保管

12. Captivate - 吸引,迷住

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