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essay "暗淡的(Dum)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 11:11:35


Here is a 400-word essay on the theme "Dum (Dull/Dim)" with an English translation and vocabulary:







English Translation:

Dim (Dull)

It is inevitable that we sometimes feel dim and dull in life. Whether it is frustrations at work or disappointments in love, they can all make us feel gloomy and tedious. But we should not be defeated by these dim moments. Instead, we should learn to appreciate the small and beautiful things in life, and regain our passion for life.

First, we need to learn to accept the ups and downs in life. No one's life is smooth sailing, and everyone will experience some valleys and setbacks. The key is to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, believing that these dark periods will eventually pass, and the sun will shine again after the clouds disperse. We should learn to appreciate the little things in life, even a cup of fragrant coffee, a friend's greeting, or a ray of sunshine shining through the window, can all light up the spark in our hearts.

Secondly, we need to learn to cherish the people around us. When life becomes dim, we often feel lonely and helpless. But if we can actively communicate with our family and friends, seek their support and understanding, we will find that life is not as dim as we thought. Interactions with others not only make us feel cared for and understood, but also help us regain our passion for life.

Finally, we need to learn to give ourselves some time and space. When life becomes tedious and gloomy, we should take some time for ourselves, to calm down and reflect. Through meditation, exercise, or creative activities, we can find the inner peace and strength to reignite the light in our lives.

In conclusion, when life becomes dim, we should not be defeated by it. Instead, we should learn to appreciate the little things in life, cherish the people around us, and give ourselves some time and space. Only in this way can we regain our passion for life and make it bright and full of hope again.


1. 暗淡 (ān tàn) - dim, dull, gloomy

2. 乏味 (fá wèi) - tedious, boring

3. 挫折 (cuò zhé) - setback, frustration

4. 失意 (shī yì) - disappointment, dejection

5. 灰暗 (huī àn) - dark, gloomy

6. 点亮 (diǎn liàng) - to light up, to illuminate

7. 一帆风顺 (yī fān fēng shùn) - smooth sailing, without any setbacks

8. 阳光 (yáng guāng) - sunlight

9. 珍惜 (zhēn xī) - to cherish, to treasure

10. 孤独 (gū dú) - loneliness, solitude

11. 沟通 (gōu tōng) - to communicate, to interact

12. 理解 (lǐ jiě) - to understand

13. 独处 (dú chǔ) - to be alone, to spend time by oneself

14. 反省 (fǎn xǐng) - to reflect, to introspect

15. 重拾 (chóng shí) - to regain, to pick up again

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