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essay "三角形(triangle)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 11:34:34


以下是一篇关于“三角形”的英文 400 字文章:



三角形的定义特征之一是其三个角的总和始终等于 180 度。此属性称为“三角形角和定理”,是几何学的基本原理。三角形可以按多种方式分类,例如按边长(等边、等腰、不等边)或角的大小(锐角、钝角、直角)。



三角形在各种数学和科学学科中也至关重要。在三角学中,三角形的性质用于计算角度、距离和其他几何量。三角测量是通过测量已知点与点之间的角度来确定点位置的过程,是测量、导航和 GPS 技术中的一项基本技术。



Here is a 400-word essay on the topic of "三角形 (Triangle)" in English:

The Triangle

The triangle is one of the most fundamental and important geometric shapes. It is a two-dimensional polygon with three straight sides and three angles. Triangles are found throughout nature, architecture, and mathematics, and they play a crucial role in many areas of science and technology.

One of the defining characteristics of a triangle is that the sum of its three angles always equals 180 degrees. This property is known as the "triangle angle sum theorem" and is a foundational principle in geometry. Triangles can be classified in various ways, such as by the lengths of their sides (equilateral, isosceles, scalene) or the measures of their angles (acute, obtuse, right).

Triangles are remarkably strong and stable structures, which is why they are widely used in construction, engineering, and design. The triangular shape distributes forces evenly, making it an ideal foundation for buildings, bridges, and other structures. Many of the world's most iconic architectural feats, such as the Eiffel Tower and the pyramids of Giza, incorporate triangular elements in their design.

In the natural world, triangles can be found in the molecular structures of many substances, the crystalline patterns of minerals, and the skeletal frameworks of various organisms. The triangular shape also appears in the flight patterns of birds, the branching of trees, and the arrangement of leaves on a stem.

Triangles are also crucial in various mathematical and scientific disciplines. In trigonometry, the properties of triangles are used to calculate angles, distances, and other geometric quantities. Triangulation, the process of determining the location of a point by measuring angles to it from known points, is a fundamental technique in surveying, navigation, and GPS technology.

Furthermore, triangles play a vital role in computer graphics and digital imaging. The rendering of three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional screen is often achieved by breaking down the object into a mesh of interconnected triangles, which can be manipulated and transformed with relative ease.

In conclusion, the triangle is a remarkably versatile and important geometric shape that has numerous applications in the natural and man-made world. Its unique properties, such as the triangle angle sum theorem, have made it an essential tool in various fields of study and have contributed to the development of many technological advancements.

English Translation:

三角形 (Sānjiǎoxíng) - Triangle


1. polygon (n.) - 多边形

2. angle (n.) - 角度

3. equilateral (adj.) - 等边的

4. isosceles (adj.) - 等腰的

5. scalene (adj.) - 不等边的

6. acute (adj.) - 锐角的

7. obtuse (adj.) - 钝角的

8. right (adj.) - 直角的

9. trigonometry (n.) - 三角测量学

10. triangulation (n.) - 三角测量

11. GPS (n.) - 全球定位系统 (Global Positioning System)

12. mesh (n.) - 网格

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