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essay "体积(volume)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:25:16



Volume is a fundamental concept in physics and mathematics that describes the three-dimensional space occupied by an object or a substance. It is a measure of the amount of space that an object or a substance takes up, and it is expressed in units such as cubic meters (m³), cubic centimeters (cm³), or liters (L).

The volume of an object can be calculated using various geometric formulas, depending on the shape of the object. For example, the volume of a cube can be calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height. The volume of a sphere can be calculated using the formula V = (4/3) × π × r³, where r is the radius of the sphere.

In addition to the volume of solid objects, the concept of volume also applies to liquids and gases. The volume of a liquid or a gas can be measured using various containers or devices, such as graduated cylinders or flow meters.

The concept of volume is important in many areas of science and technology. In chemistry, the volume of a substance is used to calculate its density and to measure the concentration of solutions. In biology, the volume of cells and tissues is important for understanding their structure and function. In engineering, the volume of materials is used to calculate the weight and the cost of construction projects.

The measurement of volume is also crucial in everyday life. For example, the volume of a container is used to determine the amount of liquid or solid it can hold, which is important for tasks such as cooking, measuring medicine, or filling up a car's gas tank.

Overall, the concept of volume is a fundamental aspect of our understanding of the physical world, and it plays a crucial role in a wide range of scientific, technological, and everyday applications.

English translation:



物体的体积可以通过使用各种几何公式进行计算,具体取决于物体的形状。例如,立方体的体积可以通过乘以其长、宽和高来计算。球体的体积可以使用公式V = (4/3) × π × r³来计算,其中r是球体的半径。






1. Volume (n.) - the amount of three-dimensional space occupied by a substance, object, or body.

2. Cubic (adj.) - relating to or having the form of a cube.

3. Sphere (n.) - a three-dimensional geometric shape that is perfectly round, like a ball.

4. Radius (n.) - the distance from the center to the edge of a circle or sphere.

5. Density (n.) - the mass per unit volume of a substance.

6. Concentration (n.) - the amount of a particular substance in a mixture or solution.

7. Tissue (n.) - a group of cells in the body that have a similar structure and function.

8. Engineering (n.) - the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.

9. Crucial (adj.) - extremely important; essential.

10. Fundamental (adj.) - forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.

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