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essay "距离(distance)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 18:57:39









English Translation:


Distance, a concept that has been a fundamental part of our lives since the dawn of human existence. It is a measure of the space between two points, a physical and metaphorical representation of the separation between individuals, ideas, and experiences. The notion of distance has shaped our world, influencing our relationships, our exploration of the unknown, and our understanding of the universe.

At its core, distance is a quantifiable entity, a numerical value that can be expressed in various units of measurement. Whether it's the distance between two cities, the length of a journey, or the expanse of the cosmos, the ability to measure and comprehend distance has been essential to our progress as a species. It has allowed us to navigate the world, plan our travels, and gain a deeper understanding of the spatial relationships that define our existence.

However, distance is not merely a physical construct; it also holds profound emotional and psychological significance. The separation between loved ones can create a sense of longing and yearning, while the distance between cultures and beliefs can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. The metaphorical distance between individuals, ideas, and experiences can hinder our ability to connect, empathize, and grow.

In the modern world, technology has played a crucial role in bridging the gaps created by distance. The advent of communication technologies, transportation, and global connectivity has enabled us to overcome physical barriers and forge connections across vast expanses. We can now communicate with loved ones across continents, travel to distant lands, and access information and resources from around the globe.

Yet, even as technology has shrunk the physical distance between us, the emotional and psychological distance between individuals and communities can persist. The challenge lies in finding ways to cultivate understanding, compassion, and a sense of shared humanity despite the perceived or real distances that separate us.

In the end, distance is a multifaceted concept that has shaped our world in profound ways. It is a force to be reckoned with, a challenge to be overcome, and a lens through which we can better understand ourselves and our place in the universe. By embracing the complexities of distance, we can strive to bridge the gaps that divide us, fostering a more connected and harmonious world.


1. Fundamental - basic, essential, or central

2. Quantifiable - able to be measured or expressed numerically

3. Expanse - a wide or open space

4. Longing - a strong desire or craving

5. Yearning - a strong, persistent desire or wish

6. Misunderstanding - a failure to understand something correctly

7. Empathize - to understand and share the feelings of another

8. Forge - to create or establish (a relationship, connection, etc.) through great effort

9. Connectivity - the state of being connected to a network or to the internet

10. Cultivate - to encourage the growth or development of (a quality, sentiment, or skill)

11. Persistence - the continued or prolonged existence of something

12. Embrace - to accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically

13. Multifaceted - having many different aspects or features

14. Reckoned with - to take into account or consider as important

15. Lens - a way of viewing or understanding something

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