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essay "夜晚(night)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:23:45


Here is an essay about "Night" in approximately 400 words, with an English translation and a vocabulary list at the end.







English Translation:

Night is a magical moment. When the sun sets and the sky turns dark, all things fall into silence. At this time, a bright moon rises, casting its silver light and illuminating the earth. Twinkling stars shine their faint light, as if echoing the moon.

Night is a moment full of mystery. In the darkness, our senses become more acute. Our ears can capture the slightest sounds, and our eyes can see things hidden in the darkness. We seem to enter a completely new world, a world that is entirely different from the day.

Night is also a peaceful and tranquil moment. The hustle and bustle of the day disappear, replaced by a sense of calm and serenity. We can relax our body and mind, ponder on life, and feel the rhythm of life. At night, we can better appreciate the beauty of nature and feel the wonder and mystery of life.

However, night can also be a dangerous moment. In the darkness, we are more likely to feel fear and unease. Some lawbreakers may also commit crimes at night, posing a threat to people. Therefore, we need to be more vigilant and cautious when walking in the dark.

In summary, night is a unique and magical moment. It brings us calmness and tranquility, but it can also bring danger. We should learn to appreciate and enjoy the beauty of the night, while also remaining alert and cautious during this special time.


1. 神奇 (shén qí) - magical, mysterious

2. 沉入 (chén rù) - to sink into, to immerse in

3. 寂静 (jì jìng) - silence, stillness

4. 辉映 (huī yìng) - to shine, to reflect

5. 感官 (gǎn guān) - senses

6. 敏锐 (mǐn ruì) - acute, sharp

7. 宁静 (níng jìng) - calm, peaceful

8. 祥和 (xiáng hé) - tranquil, serene

9. 欣赏 (xīn shǎng) - to appreciate, to enjoy

10. 奥秘 (ào mì) - mystery, secret

11. 不法 (bù fǎ) - unlawful, illegal

12. 谨慎 (jǐn shèn) - cautious, careful

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