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essay "生日(birthday)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:34:17



A birthday is a special day that celebrates the anniversary of a person's birth. It is a time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and look forward to the future. For many people, a birthday is a day filled with joy, laughter, and the company of loved ones.

One of the most common ways to celebrate a birthday is with a party. Birthdays are often marked with decorations, such as balloons, streamers, and banners, as well as a cake with candles to be blown out. Gifts are also a traditional part of a birthday celebration, with friends and family members bringing presents to honor the birthday person.

In addition to the party, many people have their own personal traditions for celebrating their birthday. Some may choose to spend the day doing their favorite activities, such as going to the movies, going out for a special meal, or spending time outdoors. Others may prefer a more low-key celebration, such as a quiet dinner with close friends or family.

Regardless of how a birthday is celebrated, it is a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. For many people, a birthday is a time to set new goals, make resolutions, and think about the direction they want their life to take in the coming year.

Overall, a birthday is a special and meaningful occasion that is celebrated in a variety of ways around the world. Whether it is a grand party or a quiet celebration, a birthday is a time to appreciate the gift of life and the people who make it special.

English Translation:








1. Birthday (n.) - 生日

2. Anniversary (n.) - 周年纪念

3. Reflect (v.) - 反思

4. Celebrate (v.) - 庆祝

5. Decoration (n.) - 装饰

6. Balloon (n.) - 气球

7. Streamer (n.) - 彩带

8. Banner (n.) - 横幅

9. Cake (n.) - 蛋糕

10. Candle (n.) - 蜡烛

11. Gift (n.) - 礼物

12. Tradition (n.) - 传统

13. Favorite (adj.) - 最喜欢的

14. Resolution (n.) - 决心

15. Occasion (n.) - 场合

上一个 essay "约会(appointment)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary 文章列表 下一个 essay "周年纪念(Anniversary)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary




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