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essay "现在(Right now)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 19:19:47


"现在(Right now)"






English Translation:

In this ever-changing world, we are often constrained by various things and unable to focus on the present moment. We are always troubled by future plans and past regrets, and rarely live in the present. However, the present is the most precious moment we have, and it is the time we can truly control.

The word "now" is simple yet profound. It represents the time and space we are in at this moment, the moment we interact with the world. In this instant, we can feel everything around us, listen to the sounds around us, and appreciate the scenery before us. We can calm down and feel our emotions and thoughts, and connect with ourselves.

However, we are often bound by concerns about the future. We worry about our work and life for tomorrow, forgetting the beauty of the present. We are also haunted by past regrets, constantly wandering in memories and reflections, unable to let go. This state not only affects our emotions, but also hinders our progress. We must learn to let go of the past and not worry about the future, but focus on the present and live fully in this moment.

When we truly live in the present, we can better appreciate the beauty of life, and better establish connections with ourselves and the world around us. We can be more focused at work, more engaged in our interactions with others, and more enjoy the little things in life. We can also better understand our inner selves, better regulate our emotions, and thus achieve inner peace and happiness.

In short, the word "now" contains profound meaning. It represents the precious moment we have right now, the time we can truly control. We should learn to let go of the constraints of the past and the future, live fully in the present, feel the beauty of life, and establish connections with ourselves and the world around us, thus achieving inner peace and happiness.


1. 瞬息万变 (shùn xī wàn biàn) - constantly changing, ever-changing

2. 牵制 (qiān zhì) - to constrain, to restrict

3. 专注 (zhuān zhù) - to focus, to concentrate

4. 遗憾 (yí hàn) - regret, disappointment

5. 掌控 (zhǎng kòng) - to control, to command

6. 聆听 (líng tīng) - to listen attentively

7. 欣赏 (xīn shǎng) - to appreciate, to enjoy

8. 静下心来 (jìng xià xīn lái) - to calm down, to settle one's mind

9. 平静 (píng jìng) - calm, tranquil

10. 焦虑 (jiāo lǜ) - anxious, worried

11. 缠绕 (chán rào) - to entangle, to haunt

12. 释怀 (shì huái) - to let go, to get over

13. 阻碍 (zǔ ài) - to hinder, to obstruct

14. 投入 (tóu rù) - to engage in, to immerse oneself

15. 调节 (tiáo jié) - to regulate, to adjust

16. 宁静 (níng jìng) - peaceful, tranquil

17. 牵绊 (qiān bàn) - constraint, hindrance

18. 宝贵 (bǎo guì) - precious, valuable

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