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essay "声明(statement)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 18:58:03









English Translation:

The statement holds a crucial role in written communication, as it conveys ideas, opinions, and perspectives. A statement is a declarative sentence that expresses a fact, belief, or assertion. It serves as a powerful tool to articulate one's thoughts, share information, or persuade the reader. The art of crafting an effective statement lies in the careful selection of words, the structure of the sentences, and the overall coherence of the message.

One of the primary functions of a statement is to inform the reader. A well-crafted statement can provide factual information, data, or insights that enhance the reader's understanding of a particular topic. Statements can also be used to express personal opinions, beliefs, or convictions, serving as a means of self-expression. Persuasive statements, supported by evidence and logic, aim to sway the reader's opinion or prompt a specific course of action.

Crafting a compelling statement requires careful attention to language and structure. The choice of words, the tone, and the overall organization of the statement can greatly impact its effectiveness. A statement that is clear, concise, and well-structured is more likely to be understood and resonate with the reader. Additionally, the strategic placement of key points, the use of rhetorical devices, and the incorporation of supporting evidence can enhance the persuasive power of a statement.

The statement is a versatile and powerful tool in written communication, used to inform, express, or persuade. By mastering the art of statement-making, writers and speakers can effectively convey their ideas, influence perspectives, and shape the discourse in their chosen domains.


1. Declarative: Expressing a statement or assertion.

2. Articulate: To express or state clearly and effectively.

3. Coherence: The quality of being logical and consistent.

4. Enlighten: To provide with knowledge or insight.

5. Convict: To hold a firm belief or opinion.

6. Evoke: To call forth or provoke (a response or feeling).

7. Persuasive: Tending to persuade or convince.

8. Rhetoric: The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.

9. Resonate: To evoke a response, especially a strong and lasting one.

10. Discourse: A formal discussion of a topic in speech or writing.

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