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时间: 2024-09-19 17:40:04


1. The receiver of the award was honored for his outstanding contributions to the community.(获奖者因其对社区的杰出贡献而受到了荣誉)

2. The receiver of the package must sign for it upon delivery.(包裹的接收者必须在送达时签字)

3. The receiver in the football game caught the ball and scored a touchdown.(足球比赛中的接球手接住了球并得分了)

4. The receiver of the message acknowledged its receipt with a quick reply.(信息的接收者迅速回复以确认收到)

5. The receiver of the inheritance was overwhelmed with emotion upon learning of the bequest.(继承人得知遗产时激动不已)

6. The receiver of the pass fumbled and dropped the ball, resulting in a turnover.(传球接收者失误并丢球,导致了一个失误)

7. The receiver of the radio signal was able to decode the message and respond accordingly.(收到无线电信号的接收器能够解码信息并做出相应的回应)

8. The receiver of the charity funds ensured that they were distributed to those in need.(慈善基金的受益者确保资金被分发给有需要的人)

9. The receiver of the company's shares was pleased with the dividends received.(公司股票的持有人对收到的股息感到满意)

10. The receiver of the pass made a spectacular one-handed catch.(传球接收者完成了一个壮观的单手接球)

11. The receiver of the prize was ecstatic and grateful for the recognition.(奖品的获得者对获得认可感到兴奋和感激)

12. The receiver of the scholarship was able to pursue higher education without financial constraints.(奖学金的获得者能够在没有经济压力的情况下继续深造)

13. The receiver of the distress call immediately mobilized a rescue team to the location.(接收到求救信号的人立即派遣救援队前往事发地点)

14. The receiver of the information processed and analyzed the data to draw meaningful conclusions.(信息的接收者处理并分析数据以得出有意义的结论)

15. The receiver of the transmission successfully replicated the original signal.(接收器成功地复制了原始信号)

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