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时间: 2024-09-18 13:19:26


1. I recently started a new job at a tech company. (我最近在一家科技公司开始了新工作。)

2. She recently moved to a new city to pursue her studies. (她最近搬到了一个新城市继续她的学业。)

3. Have you seen the recently released movie? (你看过最近上映的电影吗?)

4. I recently discovered a great new restaurant in the neighborhood. (我最近在附近发现了一家很棒的新餐厅。)

5. We recently adopted a puppy from the animal shelter. (我们最近从动物收容所领养了一只小狗。)

6. The company recently announced a merger with a competitor. (公司最近宣布与竞争对手合并。)

7. I recently got back from a trip to Europe. (我最近刚从欧洲旅行回来。)

8. The team recently won the championship after years of hard work. (团队经过多年的努力最近赢得了冠军。)

9. She recently completed her degree in finance. (她最近完成了金融学位。)

10. The company recently launched a new product line. (公司最近推出了一条新产品线。)

11. I recently read an interesting article about space exploration. (我最近读了一篇关于太空探索的有趣文章。)

12. The city council recently approved a new public transportation initiative. (市议会最近批准了一项新的公共交通倡议。)

13. My friend recently got married and is now on her honeymoon. (我的朋友最近结婚了,现在正在度蜜月。)

14. I recently started learning a new language in my free time. (我最近开始利用空闲时间学习一门新语言。)

15. The company recently hired a new CEO to lead its expansion efforts. (公司最近聘请了一位新的首席执行官来领导其扩张努力。)

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