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时间: 2024-09-19 17:11:53


1. The reporter interviewed the mayor about the new city initiative.


2. The reporter filed a story about the local charity event.


3. The reporter's investigative journalism uncovered corruption in the government.


4. The reporter was on the scene to cover the breaking news.


5. The reporter asked tough questions during the press conference.


6. The foreign correspondent reported on the conflict in the Middle East.


7. The reporter's article was published on the front page of the newspaper.


8. The investigative reporter won a Pulitzer Prize for her series on environmental issues.


9. The reporter's coverage of the natural disaster provided crucial information to the public.


10. The war reporter risked her life to document the conflict in the war-torn country.


11. The reporter's interview with the celebrity revealed new insights into their personal life.


12. The sports reporter covered the championship game with enthusiasm and expertise.


13. The political reporter analyzed the implications of the new legislation.


14. The weather reporter warned the public about the approaching storm.


15. The science reporter explained the breakthrough in medical research to the audience.


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