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时间: 2024-09-20 08:57:18


1. The author receives a royalty for every book sold.(这位作者每卖出一本书都会得到一笔版税。)

2. The royal family lives in a grand palace.(皇室家族居住在一座宏伟的宫殿。)

3. The singer demanded a royalty for the use of her song in the commercial.(这位歌手要求在商业广告中使用她的歌曲时支付版税。)

4. The company paid royalties to the artist for using his designs.(该公司向艺术家支付了使用他设计的版税。)

5. The royal wedding was broadcast live around the world.(皇室婚礼在全世界直播。)

6. The author's royalties from the movie adaptation made him a wealthy man.(作者从电影改编中获得的版税让他成了富翁。)

7. The royal decree was issued by the king.(这项皇家法令是由国王颁布的。)

8. The singer was given a royal welcome when she arrived in the country.(这位歌手抵达这个国家时受到了盛大的欢迎。)

9. The company offered a royalty payment to the inventor of the new technology.(该公司向这项新技术的发明者提供版税支付。)

10. The royal family attended the state banquet.(皇室家族出席了国宴。)

11. The artist's royalties continued to provide income long after his death.(这位艺术家的版税在他去世后继续为他带来收入。)

12. The royal palace was open to the public for a limited time.(皇家宫殿在有限的时间内对公众开放。)

13. The author's royalties allowed her to pursue her passion for travel.(作者的版税让她能够追求她对旅行的热爱。)

14. The royal yacht sailed into the harbor amid great fanfare.(皇家游艇在一片喧闹声中驶入港口。)

15. The company negotiated a royalty agreement with the artist for the use of his artwork.(该公司与艺术家就使用他的作品达成了版税协议。)

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