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时间: 2024-09-20 11:23:50


1. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, feeling very tired.(他揉了揉眼睛,打了个哈欠,感到非常累。)

2. She rubbed her sore muscles after a long day of work.(她在一天辛苦工作之后揉了揉酸痛的肌肉。)

3. The cat rubbed against my leg, seeking attention.(猫蹭着我的腿,寻求关注。)

4. The athlete rubbed liniment into his injured knee.(运动员在受伤的膝盖上擦了一些驱风油。)

5. She rubbed the stain on the carpet with a cloth until it disappeared.(她用布擦拭地毯上的污渍,直到它消失。)

6. The magician rubbed the lamp and a genie appeared.(魔术师擦了擦灯,一个精灵出现了。)

7. The hiker rubbed his hands together to keep warm.(徒步旅行者擦着双手取暖。)

8. The children rubbed the balloon on their hair to create static electricity.(孩子们用气球摩擦头发,产生静电。)

9. She rubbed her hands with sanitizer to kill germs.(她用消毒液擦手杀菌。)

10. The old man rubbed his old coins, reminiscing about his youth.(老人擦拭着他的古老硬币,回忆起他的青春。)

11. He rubbed the metal with a polishing cloth to make it shine.(他用抛光布擦拭金属,使其发光。)

12. The cat rubbed against the scratching post to sharpen its claws.(猫蹭着抓挠柱磨尖它的爪子。)

13. She rubbed her temples, trying to ease her headache.(她揉着太阳穴,试图缓解头痛。)

14. The child rubbed the muddy shoes on the doormat before entering the house.(孩子在进屋前在门垫上擦拭泥泞的鞋子。)

15. The chef rubbed the meat with spices before cooking it.(厨师在烹饪前用香料擦拭肉。)

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