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时间: 2024-09-20 14:30:51


1. The rubber band snapped when I was trying to stretch it around the box. (橡皮筋在我试图把它拉到盒子上时断了。)

2. The tires on my car are made of rubber to provide better traction on the road. (我的车轮胎是用橡胶制成的,以在道路上提供更好的抓地力。)

3. She erased her mistake with a rubber and rewrote the sentence. (她用橡皮擦掉了自己的错误,然后重新写句子。)

4. The rubber tree produces latex, which is used to make various rubber products. (橡胶树产生乳胶,用于制造各种橡胶制品。)

5. The goalkeeper wore gloves with rubber grips to help him catch the ball. (门将戴着带有橡胶抓地力的手套,以帮助他接住球。)

6. The rubber seal around the door prevents water from leaking into the car during heavy rain. (门周围的橡胶密封条防止了暴雨时水进入汽车。)

7. The children used rubber stamps to decorate their art projects. (孩子们用橡皮印章装饰他们的艺术项目。)

8. The rubber sole of the shoe provides cushioning and support for the foot. (鞋子的橡胶鞋底提供了脚的缓冲和支撑。)

9. Rubber gloves are often worn by doctors and nurses to protect against contamination. (医生和护士经常戴橡胶手套以防止污染。)

10. The rubber duck floated in the bathtub as the child played with it. (橡皮鸭在浴缸里漂浮着,孩子玩得很开心。)

11. She used a rubber eraser to remove the pencil marks from the paper. (她用橡皮擦把纸上的铅笔记号擦掉了。)

12. The rubberized handle of the hammer provides a comfortable grip for the user. (橡胶包裹的锤子把手为使用者提供了舒适的握持感。)

13. The rubber mat on the floor prevents slipping and provides traction. (地板上的橡胶垫防止滑倒并提供了抓地力。)

14. The rubber gasket seals the connection between the pipes to prevent leaks. (橡胶垫圈密封了管道之间的连接,以防止泄漏。)

15. The child chewed on the rubber teething toy to soothe his sore gums. (孩子咬着橡胶婴儿玩具来舒缓他疼痛的牙床。)

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