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时间: 2024-09-19 17:27:58


1. She couldn't stand the heat and had to leave the room. (她受不了炎热,不得不离开房间。)

2. I can't stand people who are always late. (我无法忍受总是迟到的人。)

3. He stood up for his beliefs despite facing opposition. (尽管面对反对,他坚持捍卫自己的信仰。)

4. The old tree has stood for over a hundred years. (这棵老树已经矗立了一百多年。)

5. She stood by her friend during the difficult times. (她在朋友困难的时候一直支持着她。)

6. The building stood tall against the city skyline. (建筑物在城市天际线中耸立。)

7. He couldn't stand the thought of losing her. (他无法忍受失去她的想法。)

8. The team stood together in unity. (团队团结一致地站在一起。)

9. The decision to stand down as CEO shocked everyone. (辞去CEO的决定让所有人都感到震惊。)

10. The witness was asked to stand and take the oath. (证人被要求站起来宣誓。)

11. She stood at the edge of the cliff, admiring the view. (她站在悬崖边,欣赏着景色。)

12. The statue of liberty stands as a symbol of freedom. (自由女神像作为自由的象征矗立着。)

13. He can't stand the taste of cilantro. (他无法忍受芫荽的味道。)

14. The company's reputation for quality stands uncontested. (公司以质量闻名无人能匹敌。)

15. She stood out as a natural leader among her peers. (她在同龄人中脱颖而出,成为了一个天生的领导者。)

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