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时间: 2024-09-20 06:36:49


1. The star shone brightly in the night sky.(星星在夜空中闪耀着。)

2. She was thrilled to meet her favorite movie star.(她很激动能见到自己最喜欢的电影明星。)

3. The teacher put a gold star on the student's test paper.(老师在学生的试卷上贴了一颗金星。)

4. The hotel has a five-star rating for its luxury accommodations.(这家酒店因其豪华的住宿设施而获得了五星级评级。)

5. The star quarterback led his team to victory.(那位明星四分卫带领他的球队赢得了胜利。)

6. She wished upon a star for good luck.(她对着星星许愿求好运。)

7. The movie received a five-star review from the critics.(这部电影收到了评论家的五星好评。)

8. The ballet company performed The Nutcracker with a star-studded cast.(芭蕾舞团以一众明星阵容表演了《胡桃夹子》。)

9. The star of the show received a standing ovation from the audience.(节目的主角受到了观众的起立鼓掌。)

10. She used a star-shaped cookie cutter to make Christmas cookies.(她用星形饼干模具做了圣诞饼干。)

11. The company's new product is expected to be a star performer in the market.(公司的新产品预计将在市场上表现出色。)

12. The little girl pointed to the brightest star in the sky.(小女孩指着天空中最明亮的星星。)

13. The chef garnished the dish with a sprinkle of edible gold stars.(厨师在菜肴上撒上了一些可食用的金星。)

14. The singer's performance at the concert was nothing short of stellar.(歌手在音乐会上的表现堪称出色。)

15. The astronaut gazed at the distant stars from the space station.(宇航员从空间站凝视着遥远的星星。)

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