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时间: 2024-09-20 07:19:57


1. The train will arrive at the station in 10 minutes. (火车将在10分钟后抵达车站。)

2. She waited at the station for her friend to pick her up. (她在车站等待朋友来接她。)

3. The radio station plays the latest hits all day long. (这个广播电台整天播放最新的流行歌曲。)

4. The gas station is just around the corner. (加油站就在拐角处。)

5. The police station is located downtown. (警察局位于市中心。)

6. The space station orbits the Earth every 90 minutes. (空间站每90分钟绕地球一圈。)

7. The train station was busy with commuters rushing to catch their trains. (火车站里挤满了匆匆赶去赶车的通勤者。)

8. We need to stop at the next station to change trains. (我们需要在下一站停下来换乘列车。)

9. The weather station reported record high temperatures for this time of year. (气象站报告称,今年这个时候的气温创下了历史新高。)

10. The TV station broadcasted live coverage of the event. (电视台直播了这一事件的现场报道。)

11. The station master announced the delay over the loudspeaker. (站长通过扩音器宣布了列车晚点的消息。)

12. She visited the fire station to learn about fire safety. (她去消防局参观,了解火灾安全知识。)

13. The space station crew conducted experiments in microgravity. (空间站的宇航员在微重力环境下进行实验。)

14. The radio station's signal was weak in the remote mountainous area. (这个广播电台的信号在偏远的山区很弱。)

15. The train station is being renovated to accommodate more passengers. (火车站正在进行翻新,以容纳更多的乘客。)

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