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时间: 2024-09-20 08:57:34


1. Statistical analysis is used to interpret the data and draw meaningful conclusions from it. (统计分析用于解释数据并得出有意义的结论。)

2. The statistical probability of winning the lottery is extremely low. (赢得彩票的统计概率极低。)

3. The statistical evidence suggests a correlation between smoking and lung cancer. (统计证据表明吸烟与肺癌之间存在相关性。)

4. She conducted a statistical survey to gather data for her research project. (她进行了一项统计调查,以收集研究项目的数据。)

5. The statistical significance of the study's findings was questioned by other researchers. (其他研究人员对该研究结果的统计显著性提出了质疑。)

6. The statistical method used in the study has been widely accepted in the scientific community. (该研究中使用的统计方法在科学界被广泛接受。)

7. The statistical data revealed a clear trend towards an increase in global temperatures. (统计数据显示出全球温度上升的明显趋势。)

8. He employed a range of statistical techniques to analyze the financial data. (他运用了各种统计技术来分析财务数据。)

9. The statistical software allowed the researchers to process and visualize large datasets. (统计软件使研究人员能够处理和可视化大型数据集。)

10. The statistical model accurately predicted the outcome of the experiment. (统计模型准确预测了实验的结果。)

11. The statistical approach used in the study is considered to be robust and reliable. (该研究所采用的统计方法被认为是健壮且可靠的。)

12. The statistical error in the data analysis was identified and corrected. (数据分析中的统计误差已被识别和纠正。)

13. The statistical report highlighted the key findings of the research study. (统计报告强调了研究的主要发现。)

14. Statistical methods are essential for drawing valid conclusions from experimental data. (统计方法对于从实验数据中得出有效结论至关重要。)

15. Her expertise in statistical analysis made her a valuable asset to the research team. (她在统计分析方面的专业知识使她成为了研究团队的宝贵资产。)

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