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时间: 2024-09-18 18:46:26


1. The stereotype of the absent-minded professor is a common trope in movies and TV shows. (健忘教授的刻板印象是电影和电视节目中常见的梗。)

2. It's unfair to perpetuate the stereotype that all teenagers are lazy and rebellious. (传播所有青少年都懒惰叛逆的刻板印象是不公平的。)

3. The media often reinforces negative stereotypes about certain ethnic groups. (媒体经常强化对某些种族群体的负面刻板印象。)

4. Don't judge someone based on stereotypes; get to know them as an individual. (不要根据刻板印象来评判某人,要了解他们作为个体。)

5. The stereotype of women being bad drivers is completely unfounded and outdated. (女性驾驶员技术不好的刻板印象完全没有根据,而且过时了。)

6. It's important to challenge stereotypes and recognize the diversity within any group. (挑战刻板印象并认识到任何群体内的多样性是很重要的。)

7. The stereotype of men being emotionally stoic can have negative effects on their mental health. (男性情感冷漠的刻板印象可能对他们的心理健康产生负面影响。)

8. We need to break free from the stereotype that success is only measured by wealth and status. (我们需要摆脱成功只是用财富和地位来衡量的刻板印象。)

9. The stereotype of artists being moody and temperamental is not always true. (艺术家情绪多变、脾气暴躁的刻板印象并不总是正确的。)

10. It's harmful to reinforce the stereotype that people with disabilities are incapable of leading fulfilling lives. (强化残疾人无法过上充实生活的刻板印象是有害的。)

11. Let's not fall into the stereotype that all politicians are corrupt and self-serving. (我们不要陷入所有政客都腐败自私的刻板印象。)

12. The stereotype of introverts as shy and anti-social overlooks the many strengths they bring to a group. (把内向者刻板印象为害羞和反社交忽略了他们为团体带来的许多优点。)

13. We should strive to see beyond the stereotype of beauty and appreciate individual uniqueness. (我们应该努力超越美的刻板印象,欣赏个体独特之处。)

14. The stereotype of the starving artist is not always the reality; many artists are successful and financially stable. (饥饿艺术家的刻板印象并非总是现实;许多艺术家成功并且经济稳定。)

15. It's time to dismantle the stereotype that certain careers are only suitable for one gender. (是时候打破某些职业只适合某一性别的刻板印象了。)

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