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时间: 2024-09-20 05:47:34


1. I live on a quiet street in the suburbs.(我住在郊区的一条安静的街道上。)

2. The street was bustling with people and traffic.(街上人来人往,车水马龙。)

3. The street was lined with beautiful cherry blossom trees.(街道两旁是美丽的樱花树。)

4. He parked his car on the side of the street.(他把车停在了街边。)

5. The street lights illuminated the dark road.(路灯照亮了漆黑的道路。)

6. The street vendors were selling all sorts of goods.(街边小贩在卖各种各样的商品。)

7. The parade marched down the main street of the city.(游行队伍沿着城市的主要街道前进。)

8. The street was blocked off due to a construction project.(由于施工项目,这条街被封闭了。)

9. The street performers entertained the crowd with their music and acrobatics.(街头艺人用他们的音乐和杂技表演取悦了人群。)

10. I found a lost kitten wandering in the street.(我发现了一只在街上游荡的迷路小猫。)

11. The street sign was faded and hard to read.(街道标识已经褪色,很难辨认。)

12. The street was deserted in the middle of the night.(半夜时分,街上空无一人。)

13. The street was lined with quaint little shops.(街道两旁都是古色古香的小商店。)

14. She walked down the street, lost in thought.(她走在街上,陷入了沉思。)

15. The street was covered in a blanket of snow.(街道被一层雪覆盖着。)

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