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时间: 2024-09-20 12:07:09


1. Her style of dress is always elegant and sophisticated. (她的穿衣风格总是优雅而成熟。)

2. The author's writing style is characterized by vivid imagery and descriptive language. (这位作者的写作风格以生动的意象和描述性语言为特点。)

3. The new restaurant has a modern and trendy style of decor. (这家新餐厅的装饰风格现代而时尚。)

4. His teaching style is interactive and engaging, which keeps the students interested. (他的教学风格是互动和引人入胜的,这让学生们保持了兴趣。)

5. The artist's unique painting style is instantly recognizable. (这位艺术家独特的绘画风格一眼就能认出。)

6. The interior designer incorporated a minimalist style into the home's design. (室内设计师将极简风格融入了这个家的设计中。)

7. The film director has a distinct visual style that sets his movies apart. (这位电影导演有一种独特的视觉风格,使他的电影与众不同。)

8. She has a relaxed and casual style of speaking that puts people at ease. (她说话的风格轻松随意,让人感到轻松自在。)

9. The company's marketing style is bold and attention-grabbing. (这家公司的营销风格大胆而引人注目。)

10. The fashion designer's latest collection showcases a bohemian style with flowing fabrics and earthy tones. (这位时装设计师的最新系列展示了波西米亚风格,流畅的面料和土褐色调。)

11. The musician's style of playing the guitar is both soulful and energetic. (这位音乐家弹吉他的风格既有灵魂,又富有活力。)

12. The chef's cooking style is a fusion of traditional and modern techniques. (这位厨师的烹饪风格融合了传统和现代的技巧。)

13. The company's management style emphasizes collaboration and teamwork. (这家公司的管理风格强调合作和团队合作。)

14. The architect's signature style is characterized by clean lines and open spaces. (这位建筑师的标志性风格以简洁的线条和开放的空间为特点。)

15. The politician's speaking style is charismatic and persuasive. (这位政治家的演讲风格富有魅力和说服力。)

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