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时间: 2024-09-20 09:55:40


1. The developer plans to subdivide the land into smaller lots for residential development.


2. The company decided to subdivide the project into smaller, more manageable tasks.


3. The city council voted to subdivide the large park into separate sections for different recreational activities.


4. It's often more cost-effective to subdivide a large task into smaller, more achievable goals.


5. The real estate agent suggested that the property owner subdivide the land to increase its market value.


6. The software company plans to subdivide its product line to target different customer segments.


7. The farmer decided to subdivide his large field into smaller plots for growing different crops.


8. The teacher asked the students to subdivide their research topic into specific subtopics for deeper exploration.


9. The organization plans to subdivide the training program into modules for more flexibility and customization.


10. The architect proposed to subdivide the building's interior space to create more functional areas.


11. The subdivision of the company's shares will make them more accessible to smaller investors.


12. The government decided to subdivide the budget allocation for infrastructure projects to cover a wider range of needs.


13. The professor asked the students to subdivide the essay into distinct sections for better organization.


14. The artist plans to subdivide the canvas into separate panels to create a multi-piece artwork.


15. The chef will subdivide the cooking demonstration into different segments to showcase various techniques.


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