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时间: 2024-09-20 02:40:20


1. I usually go to the supermarket on Sundays to do my grocery shopping. (我通常在周日去超市购物食品。)

2. The supermarket was crowded with people doing their last-minute Christmas shopping. (超市里挤满了最后一刻购物的人。)

3. I need to pick up some milk from the supermarket on my way home. (我需要在回家的路上从超市里买点牛奶。)

4. The supermarket has a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. (超市有各种新鲜的水果和蔬菜。)

5. I prefer to buy my toiletries from the supermarket because they have good deals. (我喜欢在超市买洗漱用品,因为他们有很划算的优惠。)

6. The supermarket is open 24 hours, so you can go there anytime. (超市24小时营业,你可以随时去。)

7. We ran out of sugar, so I need to make a quick trip to the supermarket. (我们糖用完了,我需要快速去超市。)

8. The supermarket has a loyalty program that gives you discounts on certain items. (超市有一个忠诚度计划,可以为你在某些商品上提供折扣。)

9. I saw my neighbor at the supermarket, and we chatted for a while. (我在超市看到了我的邻居,我们聊了一会儿。)

10. The supermarket chain has expanded and now has stores in multiple cities. (这个超市连锁店扩张了,现在在多个城市都有分店。)

11. I found a new brand of cereal at the supermarket that I want to try. (我在超市发现了一种新品牌的谷类食品,我想试试看。)

12. The supermarket is offering a special promotion on household cleaning products this week. (这个超市这周在家庭清洁产品上有特别促销。)

13. I forgot to buy eggs at the supermarket, so I need to go back tomorrow. (我忘记在超市买鸡蛋了,所以明天需要再去一趟。)

14. The supermarket has a section for organic and health foods. (超市有一个有机和健康食品的区域。)

15. My favorite part of going to the supermarket is browsing through the bakery section. (我去超市最喜欢的部分是逛面包房。)

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