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时间: 2024-09-20 02:52:08


1. I'm supposed to meet my friend at the coffee shop at 3 o'clock.


2. The package was supposed to arrive yesterday, but it's still not here.


3. She's supposed to be studying for her exam, but she's watching TV instead.


4. The movie is supposed to be really scary, so I'm not sure if I want to watch it.


5. He was supposed to pick me up from the airport, but he forgot.


6. I'm supposed to wear a uniform to work.


7. The train was supposed to arrive at 9:00, but it's running late.


8. She's supposed to be on a diet, but she keeps eating junk food.


9. The meeting was supposed to start at 10, but it's been delayed.


10. I'm supposed to call my mom tonight to check in.


11. The weather was supposed to be nice, but it's raining.


12. She's supposed to be the best player on the team.


13. The cake was supposed to be chocolate, but it tastes like vanilla.


14. I'm supposed to finish this project by the end of the week.


15. The restaurant was supposed to be open, but the sign says closed.


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