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时间: 2024-09-19 18:39:41


1. I flagged down a taxi and asked the driver to take me to the airport.(我拦下了一辆出租车,并要求司机带我去机场。)

2. The taxi driver was friendly and chatty, making the journey more enjoyable.(出租车司机很友好,聊天使旅程更愉快。)

3. We had trouble finding a taxi in the rain, but eventually one pulled up and we hopped in.(下雨天我们找不到出租车,但最终有一辆停下来了,我们就上了车。)

4. The taxi fare was quite expensive, but it was worth it for the convenience.(出租车费用很贵,但为了方便还是值得的。)

5. I left my umbrella in the taxi and had to call the company to try and retrieve it.(我把伞落在了出租车里,不得不打电话给公司试图找回。)

6. The taxi driver took a wrong turn and we ended up getting stuck in traffic.(出租车司机走错了路,结果我们被堵在了交通堵塞中。)

7. After a night out, we struggled to find a taxi to take us home.(晚上出去后,我们很难找到出租车带我们回家。)

8. The taxi service in this city is very efficient and reliable.(这个城市的出租车服务非常高效和可靠。)

9. I prefer taking a taxi to public transportation when I'm in a hurry.(当我赶时间时,我更喜欢乘坐出租车而不是公共交通。)

10. The taxi driver had a GPS system to help navigate through the city.(出租车司机有一个GPS系统来帮助导航穿越城市。)

11. The taxi pulled up to the curb and I quickly got in, eager to get to my destination.(出租车停在路边,我迅速上车,渴望到达目的地。)

12. I always make sure to check for my belongings before getting out of a taxi.(我总是确保在下出租车之前检查我的物品。)

13. The taxi driver was courteous and helped me with my luggage.(出租车司机很有礼貌,还帮我拿行李。)

14. We decided to share a taxi with some strangers to split the cost.(我们决定和陌生人一起乘坐出租车,分摊费用。)

15. The taxi company apologized for the delay and offered a discount on my next ride.(出租车公司为延误道歉,并为我下次乘车提供了折扣。)

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