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时间: 2024-09-19 11:30:10


1. I walked through the forest to reach the other side. (我穿过森林到达另一边。)

2. She looked through the window to see who was outside. (她透过窗户看外面是谁。)

3. The message was conveyed through the use of symbols. (这个信息是通过符号传达的。)

4. We sailed through the storm without any major damage. (我们顺利度过了风暴,没有造成重大损伤。)

5. The detective sifted through the evidence to find the clue. (侦探筛选证据以找到线索。)

6. I found the answer through careful analysis. (我通过仔细分析找到了答案。)

7. She got the job through her hard work and determination. (她通过努力和决心获得了这份工作。)

8. The news spread through the town like wildfire. (这个消息像野火一样在镇上传开了。)

9. Through her kindness, she won the hearts of everyone she met. (通过她的善良,她赢得了每个人的心。)

10. The sun shone through the clouds after the storm passed. (风暴过后,太阳穿过云层照耀了出来。)

11. He found his way through the maze of streets. (他在街道的迷宫中找到了路。)

12. She learned a lot through her travels around the world. (她通过环游世界学到了很多东西。)

13. The company expanded its market reach through strategic partnerships. (公司通过战略合作扩大了市场份额。)

14. The team persevered through the challenges and emerged victorious. (团队在挑战中坚持不懈,最终获得了胜利。)

15. Through hard work and dedication, he achieved his goals. (通过努力和奉献,他实现了自己的目标。)

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