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时间: 2024-09-19 11:38:48


1. She threw the ball to her friend across the field. (她把球扔给了场地对面的朋友。)

2. He threw his hat in the air to celebrate his victory. (他把帽子扔到空中庆祝胜利。)

3. The angry child threw his toys on the floor. (生气的孩子把他的玩具扔到了地板上。)

4. The pitcher threw a fast ball that the batter couldn't hit. (投手投了一颗快球,击球手没能打中。)

5. She threw her arms around her friend in a big hug. (她张开双臂给她的朋友一个大大的拥抱。)

6. The chef threw some herbs into the pot to add flavor to the soup. (厨师往锅里扔了一些香草来给汤增添风味。)

7. He threw his opponent to the ground in a judo match. (在柔道比赛中,他把对手摔到了地上。)

8. The storm threw debris all over the street. (风暴把碎片扔得满大街都是。)

9. She threw her head back and laughed heartily. (她仰起头大声笑了起来。)

10. The magician threw a deck of cards into the air and they landed perfectly shuffled. (魔术师把一副扑克牌抛起,它们完美地洗牌后落下。)

11. The quarterback threw a long pass to the wide receiver. (四分卫向外接手投了一个长传。)

12. The angry customer threw insults at the cashier. (愤怒的顾客向收银员大声辱骂。)

13. She threw on a coat and dashed out into the rain. (她随意披上外套冲出去迎着雨。)

14. The boxer threw a powerful punch, knocking out his opponent. (拳击手出拳有力,打倒了对手。)

15. The artist threw paint onto the canvas in a burst of creativity. (艺术家创作时把颜料涂在画布上,一股创造力迸发出来。)

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