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时间: 2024-09-19 11:26:38


1. She had studied hard and thus passed the exam with flying colors. (她努力学习,因此考试得了好成绩。)

2. He saved money diligently and thus was able to buy his dream car. (他勤俭节俭,因此能够买到他梦寐以求的汽车。)

3. The weather forecast predicted rain, thus we decided to postpone our outdoor picnic. (天气预报预测会下雨,因此我们决定推迟我们的野餐活动。)

4. She was feeling unwell and thus decided to stay home instead of going to the party. (她感觉不舒服,因此决定留在家里,而不是去参加聚会。)

5. The company invested in new technology, thus improving its efficiency and productivity. (公司投资了新技术,因此提高了其效率和生产力。)

6. He missed the train and thus arrived late for the meeting. (他错过了火车,因此开会迟到了。)

7. She practiced her speech diligently and thus delivered a compelling presentation. (她刻苦练习演讲,因此做了一个引人入胜的演讲。)

8. The team worked together seamlessly, thus achieving their goal ahead of schedule. (团队合作无间,因此提前实现了他们的目标。)

9. The restaurant used fresh ingredients, thus ensuring the quality of their dishes. (这家餐厅使用新鲜食材,因此确保了他们菜品的质量。)

10. The company implemented new policies, thus improving employee satisfaction. (公司实施了新政策,因此提高了员工满意度。)

11. The students collaborated on the project, thus producing outstanding results. (学生们合作完成了这个项目,因此取得了出色的成绩。)

12. The government invested in education, thus aiming to improve literacy rates. (政府投资教育,目的是提高识字率。)

13. She apologized sincerely, thus mending the strained relationship. (她诚挚道歉,因此修补了紧张的关系。)

14. He practiced mindfulness daily, thus reducing his stress levels. (他每天都练习正念,因此减轻了压力。)

15. The team communicated effectively, thus avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts. (团队有效沟通,因此避免了误解和冲突。)

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