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时间: 2024-09-19 11:27:38


1. I bought a ticket to the concert next week.(我买了一张下周音乐会的门票。)

2. The police officer issued a parking ticket to the car parked illegally.(警察向违规停车的车辆开了一张罚单。)

3. She won a plane ticket to Paris in a raffle.(她在抽奖活动中赢得了一张飞往巴黎的机票。)

4. The movie ticket prices have increased this year.(电影票的价格今年有所上涨。)

5. I need to book my train ticket in advance for the trip.(我需要提前预订火车票以备出行。)

6. The concert tickets sold out within an hour.(音乐会门票在一小时内售罄。)

7. He was given a speeding ticket for driving over the limit.(他因超速驾驶被罚了一张罚单。)

8. The airline issued a refund for the canceled flight ticket.(航空公司对取消的机票进行了退款。)

9. She misplaced her lottery ticket and couldn't claim her prize.(她把彩票弄丢了,无法领取奖品。)

10. The museum ticket includes entry to all the special exhibitions.(博物馆门票包括所有特别展览的入场。)

11. I found a parking ticket on my windshield after leaving my car in a no-parking zone.(我把车停在禁停区后,在挡风玻璃上发现了一张停车罚单。)

12. Each ticket for the festival also grants access to the food and drink stalls.(每张节日门票还可以进入餐饮摊位。)

13. The concert ticket allowed her to meet the band backstage.(音乐会门票让她有机会在后台见到乐队。)

14. He was fined for not having a valid train ticket during the ticket inspection.(他因在检票时没有有效的火车票被罚款。)

15. I won a golden ticket to the exclusive event.(我赢得了一张进入独家活动的金色门票。)

上一个 【英语】Tibet的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】tickle的例句




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