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时间: 2024-09-19 11:34:37


1. The tide was coming in, so we decided to go for a swim.(潮水涨潮了,所以我们决定去游泳。)

2. She waited for the tide to go out before collecting shells on the beach.(她等待潮水退去,然后在海滩上捡贝壳。)

3. The fishermen set out when the tide was at its highest.(渔民在潮水最高的时候出发了。)

4. The tide of public opinion turned against the government.(舆论的潮流开始转向反对政府。)

5. The business experienced a tide of success after launching their new product.(该企业在推出新产品后获得了成功的潮流。)

6. The tide of war shifted in favor of the allied forces.(战争的潮流开始有利于盟军。)

7. The tide brought in a lot of debris from the storm.(潮水冲来了很多风暴的碎片。)

8. The restaurant's popularity has been on the rise, riding the tide of positive reviews.(餐馆的受欢迎程度一直在上升,借助了积极评价的潮流。)

9. The tide of globalization has transformed the world economy.(全球化的潮流改变了世界经济。)

10. She felt swept along by the tide of events.(她感到被事件的潮流冲走了。)

11. The changing tide of fashion influences consumer behavior.(时尚的潮流变迁影响了消费者行为。)

12. The town is preparing for the annual spring tide.(该镇正在为每年的春潮做准备。)

13. The tide of emotions overwhelmed her as she watched the sunset.(她看着夕阳西下,情绪的潮流让她不知所措。)

14. The rising tide lifted all the boats in the harbor.(涨潮把港口里的所有船只都抬高了。)

15. The ebb and flow of the tide is a natural rhythm of the ocean.(潮汐的涨落是海洋的自然节奏。)

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