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时间: 2024-09-19 11:36:45


1. The lid was on so tight that I couldn't open it. (盖子太紧,我打不开。)

2. She held on tight to the railing as the ship rocked in the storm. (在风暴中,她紧紧抓住扶手不放。)

3. The dress was so tight that she could hardly breathe. (裙子太紧,她几乎喘不过气来。)

4. The security at the airport was very tight after the terrorist threat. (在恐怖威胁之后,机场的安检非常严格。)

5. He felt a tight sensation in his chest as he climbed the steep hill. (在爬陡峭的山坡时,他感到胸口发闷。)

6. The company has a tight budget this year, so there won't be any pay raises. (公司今年预算很紧,所以不会有加薪。)

7. The team has a tight defense, making it difficult for the opponents to score. (这支球队的防守很严密,对手很难得分。)

8. She tied the knot tight so that it wouldn't come undone. (她把结系得很紧,不会松开。)

9. The deadline for the project is tight, so we'll need to work extra hours to finish it on time. (项目的截止日期很紧,所以我们需要加班来按时完成。)

10. The community has a tight-knit group of volunteers who work together to support each other. (社区里有一个紧密团结的志愿者团队,他们一起合作互相支持。)

11. The boxer wrapped his arms tight around his opponent to prevent him from escaping. (拳击手紧紧地抱住对手,防止他逃跑。)

12. The teacher kept tight control over the classroom, maintaining order and discipline. (老师严格控制着教室,保持秩序和纪律。)

13. The company has a tight grip on the market, dominating the competition. (公司对市场控制得很紧,主导着竞争。)

14. The rope was pulled tight to secure the boat to the dock. (绳子被拉得很紧,把船固定在码头上。)

15. The economy is in a tight spot, with high unemployment and inflation. (经济陷入了困境,失业率和通货膨胀率都很高。)

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