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时间: 2024-09-19 11:39:53


1. I will wait till you finish your homework before we go out. (我会等到你做完作业再出去。)

2. The store is open till 9 pm on weekdays. (这家商店平日营业到晚上9点。)

3. I will love you till the end of time. (我会爱你直到永远。)

4. She worked till late into the night to finish the project. (她工作到深夜才完成这个项目。)

5. They played basketball till it got dark. (直到天黑他们还在打篮球。)

6. I will be here till you come back. (我会一直在这里等你回来。)

7. The flowers will bloom till the end of summer. (这些花会一直开到夏天结束。)

8. He saved up money till he could afford a new car. (他攒钱直到能买得起一辆新车。)

9. The dog waited patiently till its owner returned. (这只狗耐心等到它的主人回来。)

10. I will keep trying till I succeed. (我会一直努力直到成功。)

11. She practiced the piano till she became a skilled player. (她练习钢琴直到成为一名熟练的演奏者。)

12. The child kept asking questions till the teacher answered them all. (这个孩子一直问问题,直到老师把它们都回答完。)

13. He studied till late at night for his exam. (他为了考试学习到深夜。)

14. The restaurant is open till midnight. (这家餐厅营业到午夜。)

15. She waited till the last minute to make her decision. (她等到最后一刻才做出决定。)

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