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时间: 2024-09-19 11:41:35


1. I need to use the toilet before we leave for the road trip.(在我们出发去公路旅行之前,我需要上个厕所。)

2. The toilet was clogged and needed to be fixed.(马桶堵塞了,需要修理。)

3. Please remember to flush the toilet after using it.(使用后请记得冲水马桶。)

4. The toilet paper ran out, so I had to replace the roll.(卫生纸用完了,所以我得换一卷。)

5. She accidentally dropped her phone in the toilet.(她不小心把手机掉进了马桶里。)

6. The hotel room had a modern, spacious toilet.(酒店房间里有一个现代化、宽敞的卫生间。)

7. The toilet seat was warm, indicating that someone had used it recently.(马桶座圈很暖和,说明最近有人使用过。)

8. The public toilet was clean and well-maintained.(公共厕所干净整洁,保养得很好。)

9. I accidentally knocked over the toilet paper holder.(我不小心把卫生纸架打翻了。)

10. The toilet flush was broken, so I had to manually fill the tank.(马桶冲水按钮坏了,所以我得手动加水进水箱。)

11. I heard a strange noise coming from the toilet pipes.(我听到马桶管道里传来奇怪的声音。)

12. The toilet was located next to the bathroom sink.(马桶就在浴室洗手池旁边。)

13. The toilet was out of order, so we had to use the one on the next floor.(这个马桶不能用了,所以我们得去下一层的使用。)

14. He accidentally left the toilet seat up, causing his wife to scold him.(他不小心把马桶座垫翘起来,导致妻子责备他。)

15. The restaurant had a separate toilet for customers and staff.(这家餐厅为顾客和员工设有不同的厕所。)

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